
Lorraine's frilly freudian slip

life happens . . .


January 2018

Mindfulness Monday – Dizzy

Wendy deals with vertigo. Her Mindfulness meditation reflects this eloquently, as does her photo illustrate the experience.

Picnic with Ants

dizzy winter

“Looking up gives light,
although at first it makes you dizzy.”

~ Rumi

“I am trying so hard to live in the moment and
enjoy it while it’s happening,
because it feels like a moving freight train that I just got on,
and I’m trying not to look back and get dizzy!

~ Laura Bell Bundy

“To be alive is to be dizzy
and not to know exactly where to go.”

~ Ander Monson

*image by W. Holcombe, please do not use without permission.

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yeah, I didn’t get that done…

Wendy’s experience with on line counseling has been good to date. Thought I would share her journey with you.

Picnic with Ants

You may recall my post back in December where I talked about my fear of gaining weight.  I felt like I was handling that better, and things were going well.  I was trying to focus on nutrition and not on weight.  I have been trying to eat more mindfully, more intentionally (appreciating the food, accepting it’s nourishment, paying attention to my hunger cues….)

I say try on all of these because I haven’t been doing a very good job recently.

I promised I’d write a post about mindful eating last week, and well….. yeah, I didn’t get that done.  I started getting very obsessed with food this week.

The fight with food is strong in this one (ha, I sound like Obi Wan..or Yoda).

I was doing well when the scale was staying the same, and even went down a little.  Yes I still want to lose that last…

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20 January: Penguin Awareness Day, 2018

Mindfulness Monday – Eating

We forget to be mindful in all things. Looking forward to her post on mindfulness eating.

Picnic with Ants

fruits and veggies

“Food reveals our connection with the earth.
Each bite contains the life of the sun and the earth…..
We can see and taste the whole universe in a piece of bread!
Contemplating our food for a few seconds before eating,
and eating in mindfulness,
can bring us to much happiness.”

~ Thich Nhat Hanh

“Mindful eating is about awareness.
When you eat mindfully,
you slow down,
pay attention to the food you’re eating,
and savor every bite.”

~ Susan Albers

“Mindful eating is a way
to become reacquainted
with the guidance of
our internal nutritionist.”

~ Jan Chozen Bays

** be sure to check out my upcoming post on Mindful Eating.  I’m working on it and hope it will be out in a couple of days.

*photo taken by W. Holcombe, please do not copy without permission.

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Martin Luther King Day of Service

Martin Luther King Jr.: I have been to the mountaintop

I did this!! A reflective look at 2017

I am so proud of my friend, Wendy. She is truly a Warrior Princess — and a social (media too) one at that.
Just had to share her wonderful year. May her 2018 be even better.

Picnic with Ants

2017 collage

January is the time that people make resolutions to do things differently (better) than the year before.  My theme for this past year was “Just Stop”  (just click here and you can read that post), I will continue to “Just Stop” in 2018 and beyond, but for now I want to look back.

This year, I’ve decided not to make resolutions, sure there are things I want to change, things I plan on doing, things I want to do….The whole Bucket List, you know, however, there is something we often don’t do, we don’t look back and see what we have accomplished.  I think we need to do that more often.

When we get sick we often look back on our “old life” and can’t see how much we’ve accomplished since we got sick.  We keep thinking about how we can’t do what we used to, I see…

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#cyw week 1: Indigo

mlmm tale weaver 153: for auld lang syne

tt 65: escheresque

Some things are hard to talk about. Pocrescophobia

A name for my fears — Wendy is again brace and an shining icon, a light house in the dark of self-doubt, self-loathing, and the need for self-love.
Thanks Wendy, I am so proud of you!

Picnic with Ants

I’ve been struggling with something for a while and I’m not actually sure I feel comfortable talking about it, but there may be someone else out there struggling with the same thing who needs to know they aren’t alone.   I have an intense fear of gaining weight.

*****this post talks about eating disorders, this may be a trigger for some of you, please take care of yourself and read (or not) accordingly*********

As many of you may know, I lost 45 pounds in 2017.  This is something I have been trying to do for a long time.  I gained a lot of weight when I first got sick, on top of losing my independence, suddenly my body no longer felt like mine.  I weighed 225 pounds at my heaviest, and I didn’t recognize myself.  (I’m barely 5’5″ tall)  A few years ago I found out that I have Fructose Malabsorption…

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Mindfulness Monday – New Year

I think Aristole got it rigt.
All the best of 2018 — the year of kindness and magic; magical kindness manifested in all that we do, big or small

Picnic with Ants

Happy New Year copy2

“She made a revolutionary idea:
She would make more time for
life’s truly important things

First on the list:

~ Amy Rubin Flett

“You are never too old to
set another goal
or to dream a new

~ Aristotle

*artwork by W. Holcombe, Please do not use without permission.

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the avant-garde pagan

a desiderata 2018: Max Ehrmann 1927

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