
Lorraine's frilly freudian slip

life happens . . .


December 2016

Song Lyric Sunday, New Beginnings: Emily Barker, Reckless 01.01.17

New Year’s Eve Flash Bash from Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie 31.12.16

New Year’s Eve Flash Bash

To help you celebrate the new year perhaps?

Mindlovemisery's Menagerie


Welcome to a New Year’s Eve Flash Bash. Tonight, I’m offering up a buffet table of flash fiction for you to sample from. I hope there is one that piques your interest.


Flash One: In 25 words or less: Using one of the photos provided, write a story in 25 words or less. Beginning, middle and end.


Or Flash Two: Tweet-tweet: Using one of the photos provided, write a tale of no more than 142 characters (thanks to Kat of like mercury colliding and her Twittering Tales for inspiration). Use this handy character counter when composing.


Or Flash Three: Selfies from the Edge: Take a selfie, post it and a piece of flash fiction (100 to 150 words) based on your picture. Include the selfie in your post.

img_20160916_121656923Or Flash Four: Traditional Fare: Using one of the photos provided, write a story of 100 to 150…

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Celebration: Time in Fractals

so i lay down my pen

#tuesdayuseitinasentence ~ Severance

If you haven’t participated in #tuesdayuseitinasentence in 2016, put it on your resolution list for 2017! Thanks to Stephanie for coming up with interesting words every week.

Word Adventures

People saw the severance pay as a way for Sally to get back on her feet, but they failed to see the severance cut at a more personal level.



Here are the prompt rules:
Make a sentence with the word of the week. Leave it as just a sentence or write a post to go with it.

Try to do it on Tuesday.

Include the hashtag #tuesdayuseitinasentence.

Post it on Twitter and/or Facebook (if you have a public site) and/or Pinterest and/or WordPress and/or any other social media site you belong to.

Participate as many times as you’d like. You can write a different sentence for each platform, but please keep it to one sentence per post.

I will be trolling Twitter for the hashtag, so watch my Twitter feed in the sidebar for retweets. Make sure to connect on Twitter with other participants!

If you post your…

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#tuesdayuseitinasentence, severance: cutting ties

TLT 47: Turning of the Year

For 2017

Mindfulness Monday 30 – Beginnings

It is the season of new beginnings.
Wishing you all a bright and brilliant 2017.

Picnic with Ants

00210009 photo by S. Holcombe

“We turn not older with years
but newer every day.”

~ Emily Dickenson

“So I close my eyes to old ends
and open my heart to new beginnings.”

~Nick Frederickson

“There are far better things ahead
than any we leave behind.”

~C.S. Lewis

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Twittering Tales #10: The Baiting Game

mlmm photo challenge 145: monastery bed

Sunday Whirl & mlmm Wordle (25-26.12.16): “She sang a glossy tune”

Writing Prompt, December 25th – Give me 10 minutes!: The Thought

Sunday Photo Fiction, December 25, 2016: Arial

TLT Week 47: Seasonings Gratings

SoCS: Uncooked Goose 24.12.16

Mudita – finding joy in the joy of others

Mudita — something we should all work towards.

Picnic with Ants


“Mudita is a word from Sanskrit and Pali that has no counterpart in English. It means sympathetic or unselfish joy, or joy in the good fortune of others.” (1)

I bring up Mudita now because those of us who are sick often find it very hard not being able to participate in celebrations this time of year.  We feel we are stuck on the outside just looking in, and as we look in we are envious.  We can’t feel joy.  Mudita is the opposite of envy.  When we feel mudita we feel joy in the joy of others.  We are genuinely happy that others are having a good time, even though we can’t join them.

This feeling doesn’t happen over night.  It’s hard to overcome those feelings of envy.  We don’t want to feel this way, but we have to admit, that’s the way we often feel when things come…

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Mindfulness Monday 29

I’m late reblogging this week. Mindfulness Thursday?

Picnic with Ants

poinsettia3 image by w. holcombe

“Did I offer peace today?
Did I bring a smile to someone’s face?
Did I say words of healing?
Did I let go of my anger and resentment?
Did I forgive?
Did I love?
These are the real questions.”

~Henri Nouwen

“Peace is accepting today,
releasing yesterday,
and giving up the need to control tomorrow.”

~Lori Deschene

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Tale Weaver #99, A Dickensian Christmas: Kid Gloves

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