in mudpuddle exuberance,

rubber-boot-splash away

angst of adulthood;

playdate with myself;

imaginative/creative freedom found

in bottle of bubble-juice

dancing, bare-footed, inside/outside

rainbowed-globules, toes grass-stained

spin til dizzy, giggly-wiggly, nupsnu kcabsarw

freely believe, reknowing magically

all dragonflies dance with fairies as

pixies gather stardusted moonbeams

© Lorraine (copy-right of the author)

image: Lorraine 2017

a playful sense of free for d’verse poets quadrille 40 (A quadrille is a 44 word poem including a word chosen by the host. In this case: free or a variation. We were encouraged to create new words.)

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