More self promotion. Another mlmm prompt — this for flash fiction.

Mindlovemisery's Menagerie

It’s Finish off Fridays (FoF) time again – the flash fiction writing prompt that alternates with Sanaa’s Friday Music Prompt.

I provide the picture and the opening sentence, you write an additional 100 to 150 words to complete the story. Since it’s almost Christmas, three prompts this week. Hope you find one to your liking.

Please include the picture and the opening sentence in your post, tag it Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie, Finish off Fridays, flash fiction. Create a link (ping-back) to this post, and don’t forget Mr. Linky awaits your click.


When the comet hit, the town lit up like a Christmas tree.  Image: Tim Mossholder via UnSplash



Sister Bernadette’s last dash to the mall before Christmas had unforeseen consequences.



Dan liked to play cupid at office Christmas parties. Image: Hans via Pixabay

Wishing you all the best of this festive season, and hope to see you FoFing in the new year.

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