One foggy evening, a man stands musing:
“Must be a new art installation. Holographic faux film noir posters.”
Whistling a Duke Ellington tune, he continues his stroll.
Past the abandoned theatre.
Bogey finishes his smoke. Bacall steps onto the platform.
Movie magic circa 1946. (280 characters)

Film noir is a cinematic term used primarily to describe stylish Hollywood crime dramas, particularly such that emphasize cynical attitudes and sexual motivations. Hollywood’s classical film noir period is generally regarded as extending from the early 1940s to the late 1950s.”

Duke Ellington, “Take the ‘A’ Train.”

Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall, “The Big Sleep,” 1946.

All references from Wikipedia.

image: Photo by Pexel2013 at

Imagined for Kat’s Twittering Tale #127 (A tale told in 280 characters or less)