image: Roger Bultot

For the visually challenged, the image is of a narrow streetscape, circa 19th century construction, with parked cars. The street is lined with gas street lights. A skyscraper dominates the skyline.

Image of ancient encampment becomes soaring rose-windowed, vaulted-ceilinged cathedral.

“Melding of technology and spirituality, such buildings act as monuments to monotheistic beliefs. The constructors privileged one supreme being over others.”

Cathedral melts, stained glass and marble morphs into 19th-century street scene.

“Grand public gesture becomes private. Home, the alter; technology the One.”

Cobblestones ripple, streetlights quaver. Stainless steel and glass mall, escalators purring, materializes.

Individual emerges from cocoon of hearth to congregate and worship publicly. Post-neo-monolithic monopoly capitalism.”

Holographic screen dissolves, lights come on, students stretch their eye stalks.

“Remember class. Test on “Dead Civilizations of the Milky Way” next week.

After many word counts and rewrites (delete button busy), my homework for

Rochelle’s Friday Fictioneers.

Click on the frogs to read other folks’ homework


History lesson for aliens? Released in 2002; needs a few more verses.

If you feel like listening your way through history, has compiled a list.

I would add to it:

*several songs by Loreena McKennit (such as The Ballad of Queen Jane about the death of Jane Seymour, Henry the VIII’s  third wife)

*Thin Lizzy’s version of “Whiskey in the Jar,” about highway men

*Weddings, Parties, Anything’s “Canabal Song” about escaped prisioners in Austraila fir starters

Kingston Trio, “Tom Dooley”

Woody Guthrie (I’m familiar with the Byrds version) about a Depression era ganster

And that’s just the start. What songs about historical events do you like/know of that aren’t on the list?

Another interesting list is on the website.

See the source image

Pietre Brughel the Elder: “The Tower of Babel” 1583