[For visually challenged writersthe image shows lots of trays of British money from coppers to notes. KL Caley]

“How much do you think . . . ? We’ve got enough . . .?” Daphne’s voice trails off, looking at the money on the table.

“Probably; can’t cost that much,” Rupert replied.

They’d smashed piggy banks, dug behind couch cushions, checked winter coat pockets; anywhere they thought money might be lurking.

“Close your eyes tight and hold out your hands.”

The twins placed money in each parent’s outstretched palm.

“We’ll be the bestest brother and sister ever,” the twins promised, “Here’s eleven dollars and fifty-eight cents so you can buy the new baby you wanted.”

Dictated (with corrections) into SmartNote while out with the dog. Question: which of us was doing the dictating?

For KL Casey’s weekly #writephoto. What do you imagine?